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Kevin & Marcia (Mattis) Sharper


Kevin Sharper and Marcia (Mattis) Sharper, both FHS Class of ’76 have been married for 38 years and living in North Carolina. The have 4 children. And as you can see, they are rockin’ their FHS Class of ’76 t-shirts!

Air Force EST (SWAT) Team (Circa 1980 - 81)

Kevin and Marcia Sharper, Class of '76

After graduating from Franklin, Kevin worked as a counselor at Fircrest Schoool while the future Marcia (Mattis) Sharper, also FHS '76 worked as a secretary at the old Rainier Bank. The two started dating in 1979 and married in 1981 after Kevin did a short stint in the U.S. Marine Corps. After the Marines, Kevin started a 15 year career working for the City of Seattle. In 1980 Marcia traveled with her parents for a month long vacation in England and France. 1981 also saw Marcia start working for the Seattle Municipal Court before taking a position with King County Metro in 1986. In 1991 she traded that in for the challenge of opening their home for foster children. In 1992 they bought their first house down in Kent. Kevin started working as a Security Officer for the Seattle School District until 2006 when he had to retire on disability after suffering an injury.

Kevin and Marcia Sharper, with their son and 3 daughters. They also have 2 grandchildren.

The Sharper family grew with the arrival of a son and three daughters along with a niece that they have cared for since her birth. The Sharpers also enjoy time with their 2 grandchildren and have been living in Burlington, NC since 2011. Kevin has been working there as the Station Manager for a Christian radio station.

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